
Academic Advisement FAQs

How do I choose a major?

The University of Guam has 25 bachelor’s and 15 master’s degree programs. Click the links below to see a list of majors by college:  

How do I get on the Dean's List or President's List?

The Dean’s & President’s List is a way for students to be recognized for academic achievement within a given semester.

To get on the University of Guam’s Dean List, students must complete at least 12 credit hours that carry letter grades only (i.e. A, B, C, D) and earn a GPA of 3.50 – 3.99 or better, with no grade less than a B.

To get on the University of Guam’s President List undergraduate students must complete at least 12 credit hours and achieve a GPA of 4.0.

What is a registration hold?

A hold is a restriction placed on a student's account.

A hold prevents students from registering for any upcoming terms or from receiving any official documents from the University such as transcripts or their diploma. 

How do I get a registration hold lifted?

Students can get a hold lifted from their accounts by paying off their balance or requesting an agreement with the Bursar's Office to have the hold removed.

Students can prevent holds by paying their balances by the due date

Are there specific individuals at the Bursar's Office that can work with me?

The cashier in the Bursar's Office deals specifically with student payments. The other staff, which include Account Tech's and the Bursar Supervisor, assist with student inquiries and or concerns.  

If I'm on a Time Option Payment Plan (TOPP), am I able to register for classes during my scheduled plan?

All charges have to be cleared prior to registration. The last payment on the TOPP must be made prior to Open Registration. Students cannot participate in Early Registration, however, if they are on TOPP and still have a balance. 

Career Advisement FAQs

Who can I talk to about my career goals?

To discuss your career goals -- or lack thereof -- with a knowledgeable and experienced career coach, please contact Mrs. Sallie McDonald at salliemcd@triton.uog.edu, or visit her at the Career Development Office located on the first floor of the School of Education.

Additionally, the Triton Advising Center will be launching a Professional Mentorship Program in Fañomnåkan 2023. In this program, undergraduate students will receive guidance and support from a career professional who has experience in the Triton community. Please contact a TAC Career Advising Specialist or Academic Advising Specialist for more information.

How do I chose the right career path for me?

Speaking with a career coach such as Mrs. Sallie McDonald is the best way to get clarity and advice on choosing the right career path.

One tool that Mrs. McDonald uses with her students is the O*Net Interest Profiler, a quick career aptitude test that you can access for free at any time. Click here to get started on the O*Net Interest Profiler.

How do I create a resume if I don't have work experience?

A functional resume is a resume format that focuses on highlighting skills and qualifications instead of work experience. Your abilities are grouped under various skill sections, such as “Summary of Qualifications” and “Professional Skills,” where you explain what it is you can do. The goal of a functional style resume is to show the employer that you have the skills to get the job done, even if you lack work experience.

(Excerpt taken from MyPerfectResume.com)

Click here to access My Perfect Resume's free Functional Resume builder!

Financial Advisement FAQs

Important Dates

Final Exams for Saturday Classes

Final exams for Saturday classes will be held on May 14, 2022. Please contact your professor for exam time and

Deadline to Submit Thesis Manuscript (Graduate Students)

For graduate students planning to graduate in Fanomnakan 2022, theses must be defended on or before May 6, 2022, and

UOG master’s program for accountants to commence soon

Accounting professionals in Guam can now work toward licensure and a master’s in one effort through UOG’s newest graduate program

Tuition Payment Deadline for All Finakpo’ Sessions

No TOPP (Time Option Payment Plan) will be offered as deadline has been extended to the end of all summer

Deadline to Apply for AmeriCorps (Open to Students and the Public)

Visit the UOG AmeriCorps webpage for complete details.

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